Friday, April 6, 2007

What's college about anyway?

It's been over a week, I know and I'm sorry. But I'm just really really busy. Today I get to practice a little and then drive home and eat dinner with my friends from Houston. Then tomorrow it's shopping with Mom and a scholarship interview. I am supposed to be getting really good practicing in this weekend so I hope I don't get too busy hanging out with family and friends. But I want to catch up with everyone! My recital hearing was yesterday. I did fine, but it really showed me how much work I have left to do in the next two weeks. I also had a test in piano lit, which was a horribly stressful thing to have them both on the same day, but actually I think I did reasonably well on both things, so that was a relief. I went to my first Mu Phi meeting this week, it was really nice, but I think that I should try to reschedule my lessons for a day other than the day right after one of those meetings because they go sooo late. Other than practicing and studying I haven't been up to much. It's very sad, I know. But what's college about anyway?

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