Friday, January 11, 2008


I had a very big bowl of oatmeal with apples in it this morning. I am very full of oatmeal. I'm thinking I may visit my grandparents soon. I wish Jamie would post our work schedule already. I'm sure it won't work, whichever hours he's given me, and then I'll have to quit or something. I am very anxious about many things. I hope I can know what is the best thing to do in all these anxiety causing situations, which I fail to mention specifically at the moment. Nobody is here at the library this morning, no staff, no patrons, no visiting friends. It's very sad indeed. I wish I had somebody else's thinking mind this morning instead of my own. It's too full right now.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Ready for the New Year

I am very nervous, excited, and impatient for this semester to begin. I have so many various jobs to do now. The library, playing for church, teaching lessons, and teaching a musikgarten class (maybe two, we're waiting for more kids to sign up). I really need to practice because this holiday has been very busy and I haven't had a chance to really get good note-learning done yet.

I really felt kind of like a gypsy this holiday. I had my suitcase and shampoo, and travelled to all these different homes to eat and sleep. I even mopped the floor at a complete strangers house! I've been to two weddings. I saw the Houston Ballet. I loved their choreography and costumes for the Nutcracker, it was just beautiful.

Now it's back to work and busyness. My main concern for now is finishing up grad school applications and practice. I'm praying that I can stay confident and calm in the peace of Christ.

I am praying for all my family and friends that you all find wonderful blessings in the Lord for this new year!