Friday, April 27, 2007

Winding Down

I had my recital last Saturday and it was so very awesome and wonderful to play for so many of my friends and family. I was so glad to see everybody and to hear such positive feedback. Thanks to everyone who was there!

This week has been really busy. Lots of Mu Phi, last minute assignments, learning a new piece for my jury (it's a really easy and short piece but it's still something), and preparing to participate in my good friends Drew and Michelle's wedding. I LOVE the piece I am playing for their prelude, it's the Schumann Romance op. 28, no. 2. It's gorgeous, if I do say so myself. I hope I don't screw it up.

I've talked to Dr. Marks about new repertoire. I am very excited, though a little bit disappointed because he basically said I don't learn music fast enough to do a concerto in addition to a 50 min+ recital by February. He's completely right and being very practical, but at the same time I wish I was a miraculous learner of notes and that it wouldn't matter about time limits. But I'll still have the opportunity to learn some amazing rep so I am really excited about learning new stuff. I just have to make it to next Saturday and I will be home free! I am looking forward to a break like no other break yet in my college experience.

For all my family and friendsl: I am praying for you guys and I love you so very much!

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