Sunday, May 18, 2008

Katie Thompson, BM Piano Performance

Just trying it out. I have a degree. That's pretty cool, I guess. In the past four days I have taught, worked at the library, graduated from Baylor, moved apartments, driven six hours in a car, was master of ceremony for the English portion of a Buddhist scholarship ceremony, went to many stores with my mother, bought furniture, put some of it together, seen family and friends, done luandry, eaten, slept, played on the computer... okay things aren't as important to mention anymore (I shouldn't list all the way down to using the bathroom and brushing teeth and saying hello to pet fish, poor Herby, he's not doing well.) All that's left to do is fall in love or something like it, oh and practice, I haven't done any of that recently.

I should probably mention my senior recital. But I wasn't terribly happy with it so I won't say much. My master's recital should be much better, because I can start now and have lots of time to get it together.

I notice this about my family, they really like to eat, and I always feel like it's a lost cause if you're trying to avoid fast food or cheese. I was trying to not eat cheese for awhile and it's a duanting task, especially if you're like Wallace and really like cheese. And especially if you're family are all like Wallace too, and eat cheesy foods. Or go to cheesy restaurants. Perhaps living alone will give me the opportunity to not buy food that I shouldn't eat like cheese.

I am very excited about my new apartment. It will be just me and my stuff. I can keep it as clean or as messy as I like. I can leave a book there or a shoe there, depending on if I like it there or there. I can jump on the bed, but I won't do that. (my dad just asked what we should have for dinner "eggs, with cheese maybe?" and I stood firm! no cheese thank you, salt and pepper will be fine for me.) I can open a window, I can rearrange all the furniture. I can hide a cat (or a fish) in there somewhere. I can swing on my very own swing.

Even though I have a degree, it doesn't mean that my thoughts will all be profound from now on. Oh well.

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