Tuesday, February 27, 2007

An early morning post

-I am at work and I need coffee!
-I am tremendously excited to be pledging Mu Phi with Sharon! We are having a blast! She spent the night last night, and we had a lot of fun just being 'cool' together.
-Everybody else has an exam this morning, but not me! Yay! Good luck everybody else...
-What else can I write with an exclamation point? We're going to Tampa for spring break!! Although that means that the next two weeks I have a ton of work to finish so that I don't have to worry about it in Florida. I refuse to worry about anything in Florida. This is what I have to do: *finish memorizing my Schumann piece and finish up the Schubert, *play the Scarlatti sonatas in Music Hour (I forgot about that up until yesterday and I am playing on Tuesday, fun!), *study and take my Piano Lit exams, *and probably most time consuming, finish up my major project for music history; well get started on it as well as finish it. I just keep reminding myself about Florida...

1 comment:

Jenny Bolech said...

My exam wasn't this morning, it was this afternoon, in fact, I'm fixing to go to it right now.