Sunday, July 27, 2008

Making a Journey

I was reading Oswald Chambers "My Utmost for His Highest" today, but I read July 28. He was talking about how our journey, every day, every step, is where God is glorified, not necessarily the goal or outcome of our efforts. He says, "God is not working toward a particular finish-His purpose is the process itself... It is the process, not the outcome, that is glorfifying to God. God's training is for now, not later." It just reminded me how life is a journey, I know it's cliche. But each day I have to make choices, and by God's grace I can make good ones that give me hope and a future. It's all in the details. Each day is an opportunity for new discoveries. Am I open to them? I had a teacher tell me once that the opportunity to learn is presented with every breath. I hope that as I walk through my daily routine, I find out new things about God and myself and this little sphere I live on.

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